My eyes have started to cross now that I'm 4 days into sitting at home, "resting" my knee, and finding things to occupy all of this free time!
I have watched more (bad, British) t.v. in the last week than I have watched in the last year. Highlights include Murder at 1600, old episodes of Laguna Beach, and random cooking shows especially the one where Heston Blumenthal tried to perfect frozen ice cream. Ahhh-I'm officially going crazy!
In these last few days, I've also managed to make a hell of a lot of jewellery. Thank god I took that jewellery class last year because the hours I've spent stringing little beads onto tiny pieces of wire would otherwise have been spent watching...t.v.! Above are a few pictures of my masterpieces. If there is one good thing about this situation it is that it has given me time to make holiday jewellery presents (ok, not something that I originally planned but I don't expect to be hobbling around the shops anytime soon!)
An even bigger highlight of my day yesterday was that my cast cover for the shower arrived. (Everyone rejoice!) It will save me the necessary 20 minutes saran wrapping (that is cling film for the Brits out there) my cast and then tying 3 bags around it so that it is NASA proof against water. I was wholly proud of myself yesterday for the outcome as I managed to take my first sans water shower yesterday. Yee haw!
My latest goal is to secure a seat on an airplane home for the holidays. When I called Virgin (who I originally booked my ticket with for December holiday), they told me I would only be allowed to fly in Upper Class. That's great and all, but I can't spend £4,000 pounds for a ticket home for the holidays. I've looked into SilverJet, and United and American business classes. Both United and American were relatively easy in their answer and told me all I would need is a doctor's note stating that I could fly. SilverJet (the business class only airlines) is still waiting to get back to me.
Later today, I'm venturing out of the flat for a much-needed haircut (this should be interesting getting into the chair) and a friends' drinks. Oh the simple pleasures of life-I CANNOT WAIT!
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